Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ginger plants

Sorry for the delay in creating a new post but I became a little bored with the last one that I was writing (intermittently) and so I've decided to move on and publish what is new in the garden at present.

There is nothing more satisfying than something that grows easily from something pilfered in the neighbourhood!
I have always admired these plants and they are certainly abundant in many gardens of the Dandenongs. They have been in bloom recently and are wonderfully fragrant.
They produce a fragrance that is not overpowering and does not overwhelm you like the heady perfume of some gardenias can, more a gentle perfume that pervades the garden.

The specimen in this blog was seconded from the roadside at Kallista. It has had nothing but neglect and is flourishing.

Hmm...I'm often surprised when I actually research the plants in my gardens as it often leads to the questioning of my choice of plant. This plant variously known as: Hedychium Gardnerianum or Butterfly Ginger or Ornamental Ginger or Kahila Garland Lily is a class one weed! In fact it is one of New Zealand's worst rainforest weeds.

It is a perennial rhizamatous plant that grows to around 2 meters high. It is very hardy in many climates despite its tropical origins. The flowers are present from Summer into Autumn however the lush green foliage is present all year round.

This is obviously one plant that I need to keep in check. It is always the plants that grow beautifully and easily that attract the derogatory 'weed' label.

Friend or foe? I'll let you decide.

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