Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spring is in the air...

Camellias are on show, the flowering quince (above) is coming to life, the scent of pink blossom fills the air. The more constant warmth invites you into the 'outdoor room'. One can only wax lyrical at this time of the year. 

However, on the down side, and yes there is usually a down side, the wandering jew (politically incorrect I believe) and the onion weed are rampant. Months of 'laissez faire' gardening is evident and there is a lot of work to be done. Despite this I'm sure that St Fiacre, patron saint of gardeners, is smiling and I have  a renewed enthusiasm and energy to fluff up the garden. Here are some more flower pics from Kallista for you.

Note the little bird in the weeping cherry

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