Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Green Rose / Rosa chinensis 'Viridiflora'

            Well here is another gem from Ivy's garden! I had never heard of green roses until recently when Ivy brought me a bunch. I have since discovered just how unusual this plant is. Apparently the mutation is caused by a genetic abnormality which results in a bizarre bloom that is made up of sepals, not petals (the sepals are the leafy-looking bits where the stem joins the flower heads). Green roses are known to have been cultivated since 1743 but I am suspicious that they are now hard to find. When I asked a nurseryman/grower in Keysborough about them (as of course I decided I must have a plant of my own) he was keen to find my source of green roses with a view to propagating them. Don't worry Ivy, your secret is safe with me!

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