Saturday, November 27, 2010

A visit to Ivy's garden

My lovely nonagenarian friend Ivy has a rambling, cottage type garden out Ringwood way and during my visit I was introduced to some very interesting plants that I was not at all familiar with. Ivy's encyclopaedic knowledge of plants is awesome. The plant pictured above is a Peruvian Lily (no, not Alstromeria). It is otherwise known as Scilla Peruviana; an evergreen perennial that is a native of Portugal and Spain.

Another gem from Ivy's garden is this Cantua buxifolia or Scared-flower-of-the-Incas (also called Magic Flower). These are poor photos that were quickly taken early in the flowering season of the plant; they do not do this exquisite plant justice. I've read that you can grow a plant from seed or from a cutting however the seed will only produce a monochromatic flower. It is the national flower of Bolivia and apparently Bolivians adorn themselves with the flowers on special occasions.

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